For Concrete Companies & Contractors Looking To Seriously Grow:

Start Generating 30-60+ Concrete Flatwork Quotes Every Single Month With Our Exclusive Lead Gen Program...

No Contracts. No Lead Sharing. No Competition. Results Guaranteed.

Yes, you read that correctly. We guarantee results.

Now, you might be wondering how that's possible, right?

It's simple actually. We've been in this space for almost a year now,

And in that time we have NEVER had a failed campaign.

Our systems have been primed & tested rigorously...

Across a dozen different markets in the US...

And we've generated 100's of high-quality leads in the concrete market.

On top of that we've had clients bring in $10K, $20K, even $35K,

In just the first 14-28 days of us launching this system for them.

So, what exactly is involved in this results-driven system?

For starters, everything we do is through Facebook and Google.

That's it. That's all that's really necessary.

We have found that when you keep things simple and manageable,

Results are easier to A.) obtain, and B.) scale further.

Most people want to complicate their processes to sound smart.

We don't care about that. We want results, and we get them. Period.

Concrete marketing results with our Facebook ad campaigns for a concrete contractor in Utah

*Image above is of results from 1 concrete contractor we've worked with for over 5 months

"But leads don't mean I'll close any business!"

Very true, and we agree 100%. But here's the thing...

If you don't have leads, you don't have opportunity.

If you don't have opportunity, you don't have conversations.

Without conversations, there is no way to schedule bids.

And without bids, well, no jobs come in. Right?

So we focus on building the pipeline FIRST,

Then everything will start falling into place (i.e. jobs & revenue $$$)

But before we go any further, let me ask a few questions:

1.) Are you looking for a way to grow your concrete company?

2.) Are you skeptical of "marketing agencies" and "lead generators"?

3.) Have you invested, truly invested, in your business before now?

See, we ask these questions because the answers tell us a lot.

We go into every business arrangement with full commitment,

But we often find our clients don't do the same...

And that leads to only 1 outcome... zero new concrete work.

We don't want that - so we must qualify upfront!

Marketing is a numbers game - money in vs. money out.

Our SOLE JOB is to bring you as much opportunity as possible.

We've been able to generated 30, 40, 50, even 65+ leads

In just the small span of 30 days for most of our contractors.

These opportunities allowed them to close $10k - $35k+ in jobs.

All we used was social media ads and business pages. Really.

And keep in mind, this is happening for them EVERY. SINGLY. MONTH.

Some have even dropped Angi, Thumbtack & Nextdoor as a result,

Because what we bring to the table is far superior and helps them grow.

Here's another valuable tip to keep in mind: Investing is the key.

When you can start PAYING for customers - the sky is the limit.

We can find the right people "in-market" who want concrete work,

And we can direct them to your business - immediately!

Either through Facebook Ads, DMs, Comments, or Phone Calls.

Imagine what that kind of lead flow would do for your company.

REALLY think hard about that. Do you want it? Do you need it?

Our systems do not care if it's a "slow season" or not.

Competition is irrelevant, because our system is EVERGREEN.

Facebook Ad comments for our concrete contractors
Facebook Page comments resulting in more concrete work for our concrete contractors
Multiple comments left on one of our Facebook Ads that go directly to our concrete conctractors
Facebook comments on one of our successful concrete lead generation ads
Users leaving comments asking for concrete work bids on our Facebook ads for concrete contractors

The images you see above are just a few examples of what we're seeing

We get DM's and comments every single day across all accounts

Homeowners, property managers, even realtors reach out to us,

Looking for concrete work and bids on jobs they have in mind.

We manage all responses and direct leads accordingly - to YOU!

Because of these opportunities flowing in on social media,

Our contractors are able to close anywhere from 3-10 new jobs, per month.

And these don't even include the actual lead forms being submitted on FB,

Amounting to dozens of new concrete opportunities every single week.

So let's talk about what our entire system + guarantee looks like:

  • Leads From Targeted Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • Leads From Facebook Page DMs & Comments
  • You Have Exclusivity In Your Service Area
  • You Get Leads That Are Never Shared or Re-Distributed
  • Custom CRM To Track Your Opportunities
  • Direct Support From Our Team Every Month
  • 25+ Quality Concrete Leads Per Month*
  • Grow Your Business At The Rate You Want!


Our gurantee is for 25 leads per month MINIMUM. Most of our contractors see anywhere from 40 - 60+ in a month's time.

Second Note: 

Because of how effective and FAST these systems perform, and the results our clients are getting so quickly, we are constantly adjusting our pricing accordingly (about once every 3 months or so.) If you want to grab your service area and lock in pricing for the future - act fast!!

Let's quickly talk about some of our BIGGEST contractor wins so far:

*(Updated Oct. 2023)

✅ New Jersey contractor closed $60K in jobs within two weeks

✅ Utah contractor is closing over 40% of his leads into concrete work

✅ Alabama contractor won 2 driveways ($32K), with multple proposals still out ($50K+)

✅ Utah contractor closed 4 pads, totalling $32K in two weeks

✅ Iowa contractor generated over 15 leads in his first week


✅ Utah contractor brought in 72 leads and 50+ estimates in 30 days

✅ Georgia contractor generated 55 leads in 3 weeks & closed $40K

✅ Delaware hardscape company closed $22K in under 4 weeks

✅ Iowa contractor closed out $12K, has $32K approved, and $125K in open estimates

✅ Utah hardscape company ended up closing $80K in their first full month

*It's not unheard of to be closing $10K+ consistently in new jobs each month,

And these systems work for not only concrete contractors,

But landscapers, hardscapers, pavers, and outdoor living designers.

So if results like this are what you want, what you need,

Let's set up 15 minutes to talk. We'll go over everything.

If it's not a good fit - no worries...

But if it is what you need - we can promise to deliver results!

Simply click the red button below to schedule a call with us today

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Will This System Cost Me?

Most agencies won't put their pricing right on the website, but we don't mind. Because we ONLY work with top-quality concrete contractors and companies who understand the value of investing to grow their company further, we are comfortable sharing estimated costs.

That being said, the investment you'll need for this program, which guarantees results every month, starts at $2,497.00 per month.

This investment includes all campaigns, leads from our own Business Pages (DM's and comments), custom CRM, direct support from our team, and exclusive rights to your targeted service area.

Are There Contracts Of Any Kind?


We never require contracts, ever.

We do, though, like to encourage commitments of at least 90 days - which will help your campaigns optimize fully and begin bringing in MAXIMUM results that directly help your business grow in full stride.

But again, this is just a professional recommendation by us. You are free to start/stop whenever you like, with no penalty or fee incured.

What EXACTLY Is Your Guarantee?

Our guaranee is simple: We promise, through our own efforts, to generate and bring your company a minimum of 25 quality concrete leads each and every month you are working with us.

This 25 lead minimum ensures 2 things:

1.) We're held to certain standard of results we promise to deliver to you.

2.) You have a fair opportunity to close new business every month.

Do You Market Under My Company?

Yes and no. We have business pages on Facebook, themed for concrete and landscaping services, which we use to generate all concrete leads and inquiries.

We DO mention your company name, your credentials, and showcase your work in our ads - but that's all.

Leads are made aware who will be reaching out to them when they fill out our forms and when we speak to them in DMs and comments - so your company is made clear to them.

If you'd like us to use your Facebook Business Page, website, or branded forms for generating leads - we can work out a custom pricing plan to do so, no problem.

Do You Offer Other Growth Services?

Yes we do. All our servics are results-focused, so if you are having success with this program we highly recommend investing profits into other marketing avenues to continue building and growing.

We offer Google Ad services, Website Design, Local GMB/SEO Services, and more. Feel free to reach out to us anytime to discuss how we can use these solutions to help you scale further.

Can I Just Buy Leads Instead?

Although we don't directly promote it, we do have a Pay-per-lead offering we sell on occasion.

This arrangement is strictly on a case-by-case basis, and we do not work with just anyone on this offer.

If you qualify and are interested in our PPL offer, here are the points you need to know:

1. Leads must be paid for in advance. We have bundles of 15, 25, and 40 leads at a time to start with.

2. Leads are never shared. They will be in your service area. They are never resold.

3. As you buy more leads, the cost per lead goes down. Discounts are given to larger bundles of leads.

4. We will replace up to 20% of your leads, at any time, for free.

5. There are no contracts. You will pay for a bundle of leads, we guarantee to deliver those leads, and then you can choosepurchase more or stop at that point.

6. Lead costs range from $75/ea for our lowest volume bundles, and go down to around $55/ea. for our highest volume bundles. All exclusive to your company.

How Soon Will I Get New Leads?

Within 24-48 hours of launching your campaigns.

Once you pay your invoice, we send out a short onboarding form to collect your contact and company info.

After we get that, your campaign goes live in less than 24 hours & you can start recieving new leads within 24 hours after that.

We have some of the fastest turnaround in the industry!

What Kind Of Concrete Leads Will I Get?

We generate just about all residential flatwork concrete jobs. Rarely do we get anything outside of this. Our systems are geared to bring in new construction only, but a few repair quotes do come in occasionally.

Mostly these come in the form of patios, driveways, sidewalks, curbing, stairs, pads, courts, foundations, breakup/removals & retaining walls.

How Many LEADS Can I Expect?

Great question!

With our base $2,497/mo. pricing, most markets can easily generate between 30-60 quality concrete leads or quote requests per month.

The lowest we have ever seen in one month is around 32 leads, and the highest has been 74.

How Many JOBS Can I Expect?

Another fair question!

We can only give estimations based off the data we have from our past/current concrete contractors, in their markets, and their ad spends.

On average, a 15-25% close rate from the leads we generate is expected. That means if we bring 30 leads to you in a month, you should be able to close between 4-8 into actual jobs

This is all relative, and we do NOT guarantee closed jobs each month - but this is the expectation if you can sell your services well, follow-up with leads appropriately, and offer quality services.

What If The Guarantee Isn't Met?


We don't charge you any more money until we cover the guarantee first. When we say we are going to get a result, we do it.

Ad spend for the campaigns will still need to be paid, but usually at a lower amount - as we've never had to make up for a lost guarantee before. 

Just remember this: Your investment is secured when working with us, we do not leave our customers high and dry or forego our commitments.

What Results Have You Gotten Before?

We love discussing our client's results.

So far, we have not had a single concrete contractor close less than $10,000 in their first 14 days with us.

We recently had a hardscaping contractor close 10 new projects, totaling $60,000 from just two weeks with us.

Every contractor we have worked with has brought it at least 30 leads per month. Enough to close several jobs from easily.

We've had customers cancel their contracts with Angi and/or other marketing agencies after working with us.

If you give us the opportunity, we will help you do the same.